Mike Jaglin and I recorded a new episode of The Lob, The Jam, The Podcast after watching the Clippers trounce the Wolves and Blazers. The team followed up an embarrassing loss on Sunday with two blowout victories. We discussed the team’s emotional response to a bad loss and broke down our favorite aspects of their two blowout wins. Then, we discussed the decision to decline Mfiondu Kabengele’s third-year team option and looked at the team’s upcoming schedule.

You can check out the episode on Spreaker here.

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Lucas Hann

Lucas Hann

Lucas has covered the Clippers since 2011, and has been credentialed by the team since 2014. He co-founded 213Hoops with Robert Flom in January 2020.  He is a graduate of Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, CA and St. John's University in Queens, NY.  He earned his MA in Communication and Rhetorical Studies from Syracuse University.