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Reggie Jackson thread

Reggie Jackson...
Is a net positive and helps lessen the load on Bev and Lou
Will wreck us by letting Doc play even more small ball lineups

So Reggie's apparently joining up.  What y'all think?  I'm warily optimistic.  I'll make a more detailed comment later, just wanted to start a thread and see how the community feels.

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Threads over comments.

 "I'm warily optimistic."  About sums up my feelings.

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Deleted userchogokinOodypkt

Clips FO has nailed it with their in-season moves this year. Our biggest holes were lack of a true starting caliber 4, and lack of a back-up point guard behind Bev. With the Morris trade and now the Reggie signing we have addressed both gaps with the best possible talent available without giving up any key pieces in the process. The only remaining gap is the lack of a 7 footer to back up Zu when he gets in foul trouble (like what happened against Embiid and will likely happen against any elite bigs we face in the playoffs)... Hoping Noah is healthy and that we can pick him up as our final roster spot. If not then what’s the next best REALISTIC option for a 3rd string big?

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No idea why that last comment showed up as a quote (?)... 

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Get a chance to cheer again, “Reggie! Reggie!”

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If anybody is listening please add Disqus for commenting... if we want to have robust participation in the comment sections we need better functionality than this.

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Deleted userxfactor26

One of the reasons Reggie is such a great singing is that he gives us someone who can distribute the ball better on the 2nd unit. Both Lou and Shamet have sub-par Assist/TO ratios at 2.0 and 2.3 respectively. The Clippers ONLY true point guard Bev has an Assist/TO ratio of 2.9... Reggie's Assist/TO ratio is 3.2.

All of us who have suffered from Clipper turnover induced hypertension this season should welcome that statistic!

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Now our 10-man line up is set.



We either sign the back-up big or convert Coffey/Motley for the last spot, I guess.

All we need, as always, is a good health.

Hope we are fully healthy for the playoffs.   

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Deleted userwwshepchogokinxfactor26

One more thing that stuck me as interesting...

if you look at players we gave up to get PG13 it was a starting 4 (Gallo) and a point guard (SGA). Now we traded to get a starting 4 (Morris) and picked up a point guard (Reggie) as a buyout.

Morris is maybe a slight downgrade over Gallo, and Reggie is obviously a major downgrade vs. SGA... but we at least have now partially filled the roster holes left by the PG13 trade without losing anything else of value aside from the Detroit 2nd (sorry for the JRob dis Pirate).

Great job by the FO to pull this off!

Now, let's get healthy, and get the team chemistry in a good place prior to April while HOPEFULLY finding a way to claw our way to 2nd seed so we can make a run at the Larry OB.

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Quote from Oodypkt on February 18, 2020, 6:18 pm


Now our 10-man line up is set.



We either sign the back-up big or convert Coffey/Motley for the last spot, I guess.

All we need, as always, is a good health.

Hope we are fully healthy for the playoffs.   

He's the most talented player to hit the buyout market by far, but I'm worried about Doc properly incorporating his skill set - he reminds me of a younger (but worse) Lou.  I think he'll be an upgrade over Lou for facilitating (once he learns the offense), and a slight upgrade defensively (this isn't me praising Reggie as much as it's me backhanding Lou's defense), but I absolutely, positively, definitely don't want to see Doc trot out that Lou/Reggie/Shamet/JMG/Trez lineup - that lineup would give up 300 pts and be incapable of rebounding.  I think this pickup can be really good, IF, big IF, Doc can figure out a way to stagger the lineups - Bev/Reggie/Kawhi/MM/Zubac, Reggie/Shamet/PG13 or Kawhi/JMG/Trez or lineups like that would probably work out.  A Lou/Reggie backcourt is just begging the other team to score.

Quote from chogokin on February 18, 2020, 7:41 pm
Quote from Oodypkt on February 18, 2020, 6:18 pm


Now our 10-man line up is set.



We either sign the back-up big or convert Coffey/Motley for the last spot, I guess.

All we need, as always, is a good health.

Hope we are fully healthy for the playoffs.   

He's the most talented player to hit the buyout market by far, but I'm worried about Doc properly incorporating his skill set - he reminds me of a younger (but worse) Lou.  I think he'll be an upgrade over Lou for facilitating (once he learns the offense), and a slight upgrade defensively (this isn't me praising Reggie as much as it's me backhanding Lou's defense), but I absolutely, positively, definitely don't want to see Doc trot out that Lou/Reggie/Shamet/JMG/Trez lineup - that lineup would give up 300 pts and be incapable of rebounding.  I think this pickup can be really good, IF, big IF, Doc can figure out a way to stagger the lineups - Bev/Reggie/Kawhi/MM/Zubac, Reggie/Shamet/PG13 or Kawhi/JMG/Trez or lineups like that would probably work out.  A Lou/Reggie backcourt is just begging the other team to score.

He'll stagger in the playoffs...During the regular season you'll still see the all bench lineup. And yeah it will be bad defensively and bad at rebounding. but certainly no worse than it would have been with McGruder in there... Let's not overthink this. Reggie is taking away McGruder's minutes with the 2nd unit. That is a HUGE upgrade. Period.

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Gotta hand it to the Logo. He knows how to fix problems...

Last season at the trade deadline he made moves to ensure that we would not have to suffer through any more minutes on the floor from Avery Bradley or the corpse of Gortat. Now this season he made sure we wouldn't have to suffer through any more JRob or McGruder minutes... Kudos Logo!


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Is there a way to link the forum to the articles to drive people to have more discussion here? Seems like it’s much more natural to discuss in the comments of the articles, but the functionality is better here in the forum.

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I was thinking someone like Evan Turner would be better just to move the ball and make the right play. I’m a little worried we are adding another ball stopper. Hopefully we can pick up another big with our last roster spot (crossing fingers for a Tristan Thompson buyout). If there aren’t any other bigs bought out that are worth picking up, I wouldn’t mind Evan Turner filling that last spot.

That being said, I think RJ definitely has a higher ceiling and I could see him having a big moment in a playoff game. Not saying it’s likely, but it’s possible.

wwshep, chogokin and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
wwshepchogokinClipporvidalying dog-faced pony soldier
Quote from sameoldclip on February 18, 2020, 11:30 pm

Is there a way to link the forum to the articles to drive people to have more discussion here? Seems like it’s much more natural to discuss in the comments of the articles, but the functionality is better here in the forum.

Good question... will look into this.

Deleted user, wwshep and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Deleted userwwshepchogokinIndianClippersameoldclip
Quote from sameoldclip on February 18, 2020, 11:30 pm

Is there a way to link the forum to the articles to drive people to have more discussion here? Seems like it’s much more natural to discuss in the comments of the articles, but the functionality is better here in the forum.

My exact point.  Right now we’re having two separate conversations and this is the more natural “forum” yet the comments is popular by virtue of being on the home page.  Better to consolidate here for now until (if) we get better functionality for comments like the old site.  Bonus is you can edit your forum posts.

Deleted user, wwshep and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
Deleted userwwshepIndianClipperKMarsh86lying dog-faced pony soldiersameoldclip
Quote from TheGreatestShowman on February 19, 2020, 8:49 am
Quote from sameoldclip on February 18, 2020, 11:30 pm

Is there a way to link the forum to the articles to drive people to have more discussion here? Seems like it’s much more natural to discuss in the comments of the articles, but the functionality is better here in the forum.

My exact point.  Right now we’re having two separate conversations and this is the more natural “forum” yet the comments is popular by virtue of being on the home page.  Better to consolidate here for now until (if) we get better functionality for comments like the old site.  Bonus is you can edit your forum posts.

Seconded!... gotta remove the comments section from the articles because the functionality sucks. Just link the article to a corresponding forum topic here. While still not as good in terms of functionality as the old site at least the forums here are semi functional.

Deleted user, chogokin and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Deleted userchogokinboltsfan21sameoldclip

Since this is a WordPress site I am unsure of the platform limitations, but if its close to as customizable as sites being built with code from the ground up then there's no reason that you can't make the forum discussions the comment section of the front page posts, but as I am a coder, I've never worked with WordPress so i don't i know it's limitations 

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Deleted userwwsheplying dog-faced pony soldier

Scrolling through the website, found this, can't believe this hasn't blown up this playoffs.


Anyways, let the legend of Mr June grow throughout this season, bonafide Clippers legend. Cheers to 2 more years of Reggie-Vision

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